50 Years of Free Flight in Northern Ireland
We are one of two hang gliding and paragliding clubs in Northern Ireland, and are affiliated with the British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association. We have a mixture of inland and coastal sites which cater for every wind direction and are no more than 90 minutes’ drive from most areas of the province.
We are a well-established free flight club, originally founded as the Ulster Hang Gliding Club in 1975, and we welcome paramotorists and powered hang glider pilots, whose flying activities closely align with non-powered equivalents.

Latest News
Welcome to Our New Website
Read more: Welcome to Our New WebsiteWe’re pleased to introduce the new website for the Ulster Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club. This site will now serve as the main online home for club updates, events, and resources. If you encounter any issues accessing the site, or have any feedback (which is very welcome!) please reach out to webeditor@uhpc.co.uk for assistance. We’d…
AGM 2024
Read more: AGM 2024This year’s AGM has been arranged: Date: Friday, 8th November, 7:30 pm Location: 5 Corners Bar, 249 Rashee Road, Ballyclare, BT39 9JN It’s a great opportunity to meet up again and have your say about the running of the club. Look forward to seeing you all there.
Airspace Upate
Read more: Airspace UpateThe 2-yearly review process is now complete for the Letter of Agreement (LoA) between the UHPC and NATS to make it possible for us to continue flying in designated areas. UHPC pilots have some important (legal) responsibilities that need to be understood before activating a designated area. Whilst non-UHPC pilots cannot activate an area, they…
Join The Club
You can join the club by completing the membership form below and sending it to the address provided on the form, along with a cheque payable to UHPC. Payment details are on the membership application forms below.
Visiting pilots are encouraged to join and get access to our sites guide and lots of local knowledge.
Club Membership Form
Full membership of the club has recently been reduced to £12 for the current year and runs from 1st April to 31st March, with discounts depending upon when you join.
New School Member Application Form
Upon commencing a Club Pilot Novice course with one of the four local training schools, free UHPC membership is available for one year.
You can also pay via PayPal. The button below covers the full annual fee plus an additional £1.00 to offset PayPal fees—please include your name for identification.
For part-year payments, check the membership form for the correct amount, add £1.00 for PayPal fees, and send a manual payment to treasurer@uhpc.co.uk, including your name for identification.
[wp_paypal button=”buynow” button_image=”https://uhpc.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/paypalbutton-e1730042394750.png” name=”Club Membership” amount=”13.00″ target=”tab” no_shipping=”1″]

Benefits of joining the UHPC
Access to over 40 flying sites
The club has installed stiles, gates, and keys to support good relations with landowners, who receive a token of appreciation each year.
Sites Guide
Members can access a detailed guide covering all club sites.
- The club liaises with Air Traffic Control and can secure ‘Letters of Agreement’ for controlled airspace activity.
- UHPC members can legally open airspace at certain sites
Protecting Members’ Interests
- Monitor wind turbine developments
- Meetings and negotiations with developers and landowners.
- Provision of a dedicated weather stations